Beyond Reality: AR, VR, and the Evolution of Immersive Experiences
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Event Date:
April 30 - April 30, 2024
Application Area: Biotechnology
Dr. Thotreingam Kasar, currently the Director of EDspire Research Centre, previously served as Chief Research Officer at Robotguru Education Technologies Pvt Ltd (2021-2023). He played a key role in fostering collaborations between industry and academia, shaping curriculum strategies, and pioneering HoloWorld experiential 3D learning content for computer, mobile, AR and VR devices. Prior to this, from 2017 to 2021, he was the VP of Research at Kayaatech Inc., focusing on the development of the Holosuit—an AI-enabled full-body motion capture suit, pose analytics, and teleoperation of humanoid robots. He holds an M.Tech. in Signal Processing from IIT Guwahati and a Ph.D. from IISc Bangalore. He was with the LITIS Laboratory, France and LORIA France as a post-doctoral research fellow during 2012-2015. He actively engages with the academic community by conducting workshops and training programs on AR, VR, Robotics, and AI in various engineering colleges, IITs, universities, and institutions abroad..
In this talk, we will navigate through the evolution of AR and VR, examining their applications across industries such as gaming, healthcare, education, and beyond.